A Little Southern Fried! EPISODE 01!

0406_09z+1973_Jeep_FSJ_Truck+Front_Axle_DriveshaftSo I’ve been thinking about the best way to describe this term and I’ve decided to do it by sharing stories! For those not in the know in addition to being a writer I am a bartender at a well-known casino. Hopefully my experiences will help yo u better understand my fascinations with the south.

This tale is one of woe but still maintains a bit of laugh-ability. As things go, when you try to be a gentleman to crazy women it usually ends with foul play. Such is the case even with husbands and wives. This particular gentleman had a great job. He was a perfect father who didn’t care that the kids weren’t his and a man who catered to most of his wife’s whims. This hubby of the ages even let her quit her job and stay home all day…such a recipe for disaster!

Bored women of unsavory intent take about two seconds to get involved in some sort of mischief. One day the gentleman comes home and his wife wants a divorce out of the blue. With no job and no income her plan was to take the kids and make him pay to see them! The gentleman damn near cried away every bit of wit that rattled around in his head. Luckily he saved a drop or two and used it to see a lawyer. The gentleman was clued in as to how ludicrous her demands were. Come to find out he was entitled to a lot more and they flexed some legal muscle to turn the tables!

Now here is the kicker. This southern bell was furious and full of scorn! For revenge she waited until he went to work. In broad daylight they spotted his truck in a jam packed public parking lot. She and her new man crawled underneath the truck and stole the whole drive shaft! For you that don’t know its a rather heavy component that propels your vehicle and it has a certain level of difficulty to remove.

That was a hefty bit of ingenuity even if used for all the wrong reasons! Even the gentleman had to laugh and admire such tenacity! His vehicle was insured and he had plenty of friends willing to give him a ride home. The silver lining is that this tragedy was in fact a blessing. The crazy was torn from his life and he’s as free as a bird!

Welcome to Southern Fried!